First of all, if you also want to know the difference between a foundation and NGO, I would like to congratulate you for thinking about social work. As I explained in my articles, both a trust and a society are two forms of a non-profit or non-government organization in India. So, if you want to do social work and want to have a legal entity for this purpose, then you register either a trust or a society. You can also register a Section 25 company, but mostly people register trust or a society for charitable work. Trust is a simpler entity. It is easier to register and run. Such an organization is primarily based on trust. Donors give you money “trusting” that you will make good use of it for the objectives stated in your trust deed. Trustees are not answerable to anyone except the Charity Commissioner and the relevant laws. If the Income Tax department is providing 80g and 12a exemptions —they can revoke it if trustees do not follow the rules and objectives mentioned in the trust deed. SEE ALSO: Can an NRI Become a Trustee? SEE ALSO: Can a government employee become a Trustee? Society, on the other hand is a more democratic organization. All the members of the governing body are also answerable to each other and they have to keep the donors and the Registrar of Societies informed about what decisions are being made by them. Societies have to keep records of the meetings of the governing body.

Difference between Foundation and Trust / Society / NGO

OK, now we know the basic information about trust and society. But what is a foundation? Well, “foundation” is just a word! There is nothing like a foundation that you can register. Foundation is just a word that many NGOs use in there names. For example, some ABCXYZ Foundation could either be registered as a society or as a trust. Foundation is an optional word —you don’t have to use it in the name of your organization. If you want, you can use it —if you don’t want, don’t use it! Simple. I hope now you will not get confused. Select the type of NGO from trust or society. In the name, you can use the word foundation, if you want. I hope it was useful for you. Should you have any questions about this topic, feel free to ask me through comments section. I will try to best to assist you. Thank you for using TechWelkin! we wanted to start a organization for awareness of old temples and unattended stone script / statue which are lying and people are ignorant about those stone scripts and history behind In Some places god and goddess statues are in very bad situation/place. Now we are small group and want form a organization and do the cultural and religious work. We need total information right from starting and govt agency/dept involvements. Can we form trust or society or foundation and formalities in Bangalore . In this we are approaching archaeological department for help and donations from individuals, corporate. I bought and read 2 books but reading your blogs I felt like “I wasted my time reading books” Sir, I have three question to ask: can a registered trust for the objectives mentioned in deed of trust conduct public survey? Should we take any permission from district authority? Can we receive any fee for training / seminar or should we collect only donations and run the services all free of cost? Please guide for this purpose should I go for a trust registration or a Society registration? I live at Nagpur(Maharashtra) and wish to work all over my state for now. In future I wish to take donations from Foreign companies who donate generously for such society improvement program. Would it be possible to take such donations?

  1. I along with my friends are planning to start a NGO society. The governing body members are residing in multiple locations outside India however we all belong to same hometown. So how do we go for the registration process where all of us cannot physically travel to our hometown now.can one person represent physically along with the id proof of others and get the registration done.
  2. We are also looking for a website for these NGO.please let us know how to contact you for this. Thanks in advance Satya However, I will not take it as a rule. It depends on who the Registrar is. But even if he demands someone to be present, just one of the governing body members can do the job. As for the website, you can contact me after getting your NGO registered. Then I will look at my schedule and let you know.
  3. I belong to Bihar and have permanent address/property there. At present I am staying in Noida on rent and having transferable job. I want to keep registered address of the trust in Bihar. Can I get trust registered in Noida notary office or will I have to go to Bihar and get it registered in the district notary office.
  4. After my death I want all my assets to be given to the trust. For this I need to add supplementary deed in the trust deed and also make the same declaration in my WILL. The supplementary deed is to be drafted at the time of registering the trust or it can be done later on.
  5. I do not know any lawyer here in Noida. Can any lawyer do trust work or there are some who specifically do trust work.
  6. I also need to create website of my foundation/trust. Can you suggest some reliable website builder. Thanks
  7. You will have to go to Bihar and visit the notary office who has the jurisdiction on the address where you want to register your trust.
  8. I don’t think you need to make any supplementary deed. In your will, you can just mention your intention of donating all your assets to the trust.
  9. Any lawyer should be able to help you. But it is better to find someone with experience in NGO related stuff. Also, you should look for a good CA because you will need one!
  10. I myself develop websites. You can contact me when your trust is registered and settled properly. Also wish to speak to u if possible, please share your contact nos.

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