At first, the only version of Firefox available was 32-bit. The 64-bit version was a fork of Firefox called WaterFox. But now Firefox also comes with a 64-bit variant. If you have a 64-bit system, it is always recommended to install the 64-bit software. This improves compatibility and performance. I’m discussing this first because you will need this information while running command-line version number check. Let’s discuss both ways in detail one by one.

Check the Firefox version using GUI

Knowing the exact version number of the installed software will help you troubleshoot a problem or you can be sure that you are using the latest version of the Firefox browser.

Check the Firefox version using GUI Using About Firefox Using About:support Check Firefox Version Using Command-Line

There are two ways to find the version of Firefox installed using the graphical user interface. Both these methods can be used for almost all Operating Systems including Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Using About Firefox

You can also press the Alt key on your keyboard to open the classic Firefox Menu bar. From there, you can go to Help –> About Firefox. The shortcut to open this dialog box is Alt + H A. If you are using a mobile device, you can go to the menu button at the top right corner of the Firefox app and then go to Settings –> Mozilla Firefox –> About Firefox. Another benefit of opening the About dialog is that Firefox will automatically check for updates. This makes sure that your Firefox is up to date. If it’s not up to date, it will download the latest version and automatically update Firefox. These download and installation are completely automatic. You just have to restart your browser for the new version to start functioning.

Using About:support

If you are a geek and you want complete information about the installed version of Firefox, then you should use this method.

Check Firefox Version Using Command-Line

If you want to quickly check the version of Firefox installed on your computer, you can also use the command-line. Here is the step by step information: The -v switch does not work standalone in Windows. You have to combine it with any redirection switch. That is why I have added |more switch at the end of the command. If you run firefox -v, it will give a blank output. This is a bug in Firefox which has not been fixed yet. Firefox also provides a lot of command-line switches which you can use at your advantage. To list down all the supported switches, you may run the following command: firefox -h Which method do you prefer to check what version of Firefox do you have? How often do you need to check the version information? As an IT consultant, I have to check this information frequently to troubleshoot different scenarios. Is there any other method which is easier than the ones I mentioned above? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.